Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Romanian sex trade.

I never though that this kind of stuff still existed in this era.I think that it is just plain horrible that people can exploit teens for sex.The girl in the story was given away by her parents to the trafficants when she was only 9 years old,it's really sad that the only life she ever knew was one filled with sex and drugs.

One of the most shocking things of the story was that the girl was sold for only 500 pounds.You can't put a price to a human life,but c'mon only 500 pounds?The good part of the story is that the girl got took to a refugee where she can regain her trust in humans,and learn how to live a normal life.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


First Blurry Pictures of Near-Miss Asteroid Released.

Astronomers have obtained the first images of an asteroid on course to make its closest approach to Earth on Tuesday, showing the space rock is lopsided.So far no one can determine where is it going to land,but scientists estimate that it is going to land most likely in the ocean, i personally i'm really glad to hear that, since the last thing that we need right now is more destruction.

All my hopes for now is that it lands on the ocean,so we won't get so many negative effects.I wonder why do we have the power and technology to send something up,but then we can't control it when its coming down.I just hope that the satellite desintegrates before hitting the earth,so it won't be nothing but a memory.

Monday, January 28, 2008


Moviegoers glad to 'Meet the Spartans'

This movie got 18.7 millions in only one weekend,which is an impressive amount of money.The article reported that there was a fierce battle between 'meet the spartans' and 'Rambo' to see which one was the number one movie for the weekend,but in the end 'meet the spartans took over the title for approximately .5 million dollars.Personally i would love to see both movies,but i would rather see meet the spartans first.

Meet the Spartans supposedly sucked but i still would like to see it,even though only 6% of the people who saw it liked it...the clups looked funny,but maybe the movie did sucked....damn only 6%.

Friday, January 25, 2008


Teenager arrested in suicide hijacking plot.

I am so happy that this guy got stopped on time,i think that they need to check for security failure in that airline.What was really shocking was that this kid was planning to crash the airplane in a Hannah Montana concert in louisiana.The boy lived in louisiana and he said that he was planning to die there.I just wonder why would this 16 year old teenage boy want to crash an airplane in a hanna montana concert.

I personally think that this boy had serious psychological problems,and some kind of crush in hannah montana.I still can't believe that there are so many creeps out there.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


South Carolina’s Largest Newspaper Backs Obama

Carolina’s largest newspaper on Tuesday endorsed Barack Obama for Saturday’s Democratic presidential primary, calling the Illinois senator “a groundbreaking nominee” and the best candidate to unite the country and repair America’s reputation around the world.I think that this is true because Obama looks like he is really going to turn this country around.

I really wish he would win because i'm really sure that he will be a great president,and besides that, he is going to change history by being an exeptional president,and being the first african-american president in the united states.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Sparks fly in most contentious debate to date.

This was an interesting story because it showed what happens when you get the two top candidates together.Even though it was interesting,both of the candidates hurted their campaign while doing this because Clinton came on too aggresive,and Obama was too defensive.This showed what political campaign its all about in these days: just talking about your opponent's past,and talking about all the wrong things that he did in his past.

In my opinion,most presidents are the same,and these two proved to be no different,instead of focusing in the important things,they just wasted their debate verbally attacking each other.