Friday, December 14, 2007


Woman chained to engine block.
A woman chained to an engine block scratches 'Call 911' on her window to call for help.

I think that there are a lot of creeps and weird people in this world.I can't believe that someone would just grab a woman, and chain her into a motor engine.Maybe he had some kind of reason for doing it, but i still think that that guy is psychopath and possibly a killer, because he left her there hoping that she would die from starvation or something.

I think that this world is going out of control, and is growing worse each day that passes by.On the other hand, this report also shows the perseverance that a human being can have in order to save his/her life.If she would have given up, she would probably be dead right now.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Bombs kill dozens in Iraq
At least two car bombs killed and wounded dozens of people today in the largely Shiite southeastern Iraqi city of Amara, Iraq's Interior Ministry has said. The final breakdown of dead and wounded is not yet known, but Al-Iraqia State TV is reporting that at least 30 people were killed.

I think that it is just plain horrible all the hate that is going on the world today.It is really bad that the people from iraq are just destroying themselves and causing damage to their town.I think that its sad and idiotic, that they are destroying their own people, and that they are killing innocent people.I don't really see the point in hurting someone that doesn't have the fault or the blame for something that is happening to you.

What really makes me angry is that all of these terrorists are just killing people like if that is going to solve any problem, they need to face the truth and realize that this is not going to take them anywhere exept for jail or a graveyard.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Bombs explode in Algerian capital
Two bombs hit the Algerian capital of Algiers today killing 47 people, state-run television network ENTV reported. The country's civil protection agency told The Associated Press that one attack near the Supreme Court killed 30 people and another blast near the offices of a United Nations refugee agency killed 15 people.

These news show that even though we are "fighting" terrorism it still exists and its striking back.I just feel bad for all the innocent lives that are being destroyed without a reason and all the hate and killing that is going in the world today.These terrorists were actually aiming for the united nations building and the goverment building.The article said that the other attack apparently targeted the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees in the neighborhood of Hydra, UNHCR chief spokesman Ron Redmond told CNN.

So far no group has admitted responsibility for Tuesday's blasts.The bombings are reported to have caused a lot of damage, and now the goverment is preparing to defend agaisnt such attacks and agaisnt other terrorist groups that might strike again or retaliate.

Monday, December 10, 2007


A city councilwoman in Dacono, Colo., has resigned from her post after the mayor of the town said a joke she posted to a community Web log was racist and asked her to remove it from the Web site, MyFoxColorado reported Friday.

The only thing left to say is that she is an idiot, to give up her job because she didn't wanted to remove an offensive joke from her web site.On the other hand the joke was pretty cool, but i can understand why some people got mad.The joke on itself is really offensive, and makes fun of blacks,mexicans,disabled people,gays,poor people,ect.Personally i do think that the joke is offensive and the lady should have just removed the joke and apologize to everybody that it offended.

I still can't believe how stuborn some people are, and even knowing that they are not right, still refuse to give up on something that is wrong, and politically incorrect.If i was in the same situation i would have just apologized, remove the joke, and get it over with.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Finish this sentence: I was most disappointed when... describe in detail a time when you were most disappointed. What happened? What caused the events?

I was most disappointed neighborhood's basketball team made it ito the finals, but then lost....we tried so hard to raise money for them so we could have a shot at winning, and doing something favorable for the place where we live, but in the end it as all in vain...the thing that hurts the most is that we lost by 2 points and it was all in the last 10 seconds.Maybe we got too overconfident and thought we had the victory in our hands,and maybe that is why we lost.The good thing is that next year we totally beated them.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


What is something you dislike about yourself? Describe it in detail. Why don’t you like this particular attribute?

Something that i don't like about myself would be that sometimes i pretend to be what i'm not anymore and i just hate myself for doing it.Sometimes i just don't show people the real me and i really think i should change that.One of the people i can't stand are people that are show offs, and sometimes i become into what i hate.The only place where i feel comfortable,and where i can be myself without anybody judging me would be DR,there i can just be me and truly express myself.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Have you ever seen a ghost or heard a noise that could not be explained by any rational explanation? If so describe the occurrence. What happened? Describe the entity you saw or sound you heard. If you have not, do you believe that there are spirits of dead people dwelling in our world? Do you know anyone who claims to have had an encounter such as this? Do you believe them?

I have heard some weird noises, but i'm not sure that they can't be explained by rational explanation, it could be my imagination or it could be something a matter of fact it was something else, it was just a rat,and the cat chasing for it, i found out in the morning because i heard the same noise,and my aunt said that she forgot to tell me that sometimes the cat makes a lot of noise in the night.I was really relieved to hear that.I'm not so sure about the spirit in the world thing, it could be but i don't know and i don't intend to find out.i think that everybody knows a guy or girl that claims to have seen spirits, i know too many of them,some i believe, but i think that the vast mayority where just dreaming,or simply are lying.

Monday, November 26, 2007


If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Is there any special location that you would like to go to? Have you been there before? What is your impression of this place?

The place where i would live would be my home country Dominican Republic.The reason why i would like to live over there is because i simply think that life over there is easier and better ,also that is the country where all my family lives,where i was raised, and where i have all the people that i care about.I would love to go to Gaspar Hernandez,which is a is a simple small town, with lots of beautiful girls,fun places to go,and also where most of my family and friends are.I been going to that town practically my entire life,i used to go almost every weekend,in christmas,springbreak,summer,ect.I really love this place,this is the kind of place where you can just go and forget about all of your problems and release all of your stress.Just by going to the beautiful beaches,the exotic rivers,the mysterious mountains you feel that all your problems wash away...

Monday, November 19, 2007


What is your most indispensable possession and why? What possession of yours is most special? What make it so special? How did you acquire it?

I think that my most indispensable possesssion would be my psp.I know that it's kind of dumb, but i can do anything with it:i can watch videos,listen to music,see pictures,play games,and use the internet.In my opinion,it has everything,and it's ideal for long and boring trips,so whenever i don't have nothing better to do my psp is always there.On the other hand, my most special possession would be a book that my grandmother gave me.I read the book and it is really nice,but the real reason why it is so special is because i love my grandmother,and its nice to have something to remember her when i'm not with her.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Write your opinion on the matter. Is calling the man hispanic to describe what he looks like a racist statement or not.

I don't really consider it a racist statement,because even though hispanic is not a race(its an ethnic group)its not the officer's fault being so ignorant.Even though i don't consider it a racist statement,deep inside it kind of bothers me because because some hispanics are white,and some are black,and they shouldn't categorize one race as "hispanic".So from one point of view i agree with the lady,and i don't think that every latin american should be categorized as hispanic.I think that what they should do is just forget about the statement,and just focus on the real issue,the rapist(who is still on the loose).

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


If I were the teacher, I would... (finish this sentence and write at least 2 paragraphs describing what you would do if you were a teacher)

Teach my class in a fun but educative way.I would make my students become interested in the subject, so they'll have a better experience in the learning.That is how i would do it,but if the students disrespect me,or don't behave well,i would just change my system:bring my laptop to school and just issue the students tons of work,and if they don't finish i'll just give them an F.I know that it may be kind of harsh (the second system)but that is just the way that they'll learn.

Friday, November 9, 2007


The best lesson my grandparent (or parent or any relative) ever taught me was… (describe what and why)

I really couldn't choose a lesson,because my grandmother gave me my formation and she taught me all kinds of lessons and morals.She taught me to respect my eldery,never lie, never steal,ect.But the big one was the time that i got into a fight with my cousin,when she just picked both of us up, and then started whipping us with a tree branch,we both went like i didn't started it ,but she just kept whipping us and saying, i don't care who started it ,but i'm ending it.Well...i guess the lesson was try never to never fight, and solve your like human beings,or you'll get whipped.I love my grandma.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


If you and your best friend could have a free limo for 24 hours, where would you go and what would you do? Describe in detail what you would do.

A better question would what wouldn't i do with it,i would go everywhere,i would find some more friends and some girls,some presidentes, and that's it.I think that i would have a blast.I would go to south beach or wherever rich people go to,i would go to the beach, i would go to clubs i mean i would go everywhere,i think that this would be a wonderful experience because it would give me some kind of taste to what being rich is like.It's like if you go to a club when you step out everybody is looking at you and you are the center of attention just because you have a limo.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Describe a dream that you had recently. Provide as many details as possible. What do you think the dream meant? Did it disturb you or did it make you feel good? Why?

The most recent dream i can think of was a few nights ago and the dream was that i was in dominican republic with all my family and friends, and i think that it was just great we were at the beach,having a barbecue, ooooo it was just great the water was warm,the day was hot, and there were girls everywhere.This dream is the opposite of a nightmare, i wish it could be real.This dream made me feel good because it remembered me of the old times,but it really made me miss my country alot,i just can't wait to go back,so i can chill,and enjoy my country while i'm there.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Write an entry telling another person something that you are too afraid or reluctant to tell them. Pretend you are actually talking to them either in a note or in person.

....dude i have to tell you something that has been going on for a while now,and i just can't take the pressure anymore i need to come clean on you see....the girl that you are going to marry has been cheating on you....With who? that is not important....Where? well in the movies, in her house,sometimes in my hou......just forget about it. she's just not the right girl for you.How do i know? well erm you see.....umm....What do you mean why i am getting nervous? Dude i have no idea why your girlfriend is in my fav5.... promise, i swear it......ok i'll admit it i'm the one your girlfriend is cheating you with.

Friday, November 2, 2007


Would you like to be on TV? Why? What would you like to do? What show would you like to be on?

I really woudn't like being on tv because i don't really want all the attention or all the other stuff that come from being in the tv.If i had to pick a show to be in i would pick to be Dr. Cox from the series scrubs,i simply love how he is right most of the time,and the narcissistic way that he is.This serie is so funny and i know that a lot of people enjoy watching this comedy as much as i do and i really enjoy making people laugh.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


If you could be given one skill or ability, which would you want, why would you want it and what would you do with it?

The ability that i would choose would be the ability to fly.This would just be amazing i could go anywhere on the world in short periods of time and i could also go to my home country anytime i wanted.Every time that i missed my family, friends or girlfriend,i could just fly over there and even bring them here,so they'll get to know miami,this would be great.I would just spend the rest of my days just flying over to my country,and enjoying the best out of both countries.From this country i would get the "good" education,learning english and the most important dollars.From my country i would get fun,friends,family,girls,presidente and everything you could wish to be happy.

Monday, October 29, 2007


Write about the most terrifying thing that has ever happened to you. What was it? What made it so frightening? How old were you? Would it be scary again today if it happened again?

I think that the scariest thing that has ever happened to me was to sleep in the same room were somebody had commited suicide in the past.Supposedly his soul was never at rest so in the night you could hear weird noises and things would stop functioning and would suddenly fall apart.What made it so frightening was the fact that i actually heard noises and i heared the steps of someone in the middle of the night.When this happened i had just turned 13.It wouldn't be scary anymore cause i later found out that it was all a lie:things would stop working because they were defective,the steps i heard were the ones from my cousin who would sneak out to go to parties in the middle of the night,and the noises were from my uncle who had a terrible snoring problem.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Write about the most exciting thing that ever happened to you. What was it? What made it so exciting? How old were you? Would it be exciting if you did it again?

I think that one most exiting things that ever happened to me was my first kiss,the reason it was so exiting was because the girl was really beautiful,and the moment was just great,we where in the wheel of fortune,we stopped at the top,it was a dark night with the stars shining...and so on.When this happened i was 12 years old, and i think that everytime i kiss a new girl it is really exiting and different and i don't think that it will ever lose it's mystery,surprise or exitement.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Write about a belief you've discarded. Talk about why you no longer believe in this belief?

A belief that i used to believe was in santa claus,which consisted that on christmas eve a red dressed man with a white beard,a friendly face, and 12 dears,would go all over the world giving toys to the kids who behaved well during all year.The reason why i don't believe in this anymore,is because it is virtually imposible that somebody could that in one night,and come on "flying dears"? gimme a break.It is a believe that most kids believe but soon realize that it is a lie.

Monday, October 22, 2007


Do you have chores or jobs that you have to do at home? What are they? Why do you have to do them? Do you like doing them?

Yes,i have chores and jobs to do at home,they are: taking out the trash,washing my own dishes,dust off the house,and clean my room, and maintain it clean.The reason why i have to do them is because my mom says that everyone in the house needs to do something and that is what i'm stuck with.I really don't like doing them,but i don't like living in a dirty house,and if i don't do it nobody else is going to.But i really can't complain because in my country,i had to wash my own cloth,sweep the floor,wash the dishes,dust off the house,clean my room,and even more things.

Friday, October 19, 2007


What holidays does your family celebrate (like Christmas, Kwanzaa, or Hanukkah)? What do you do on those holidays?

In my family, we celebrate Christmas.What we do in this holiday is just get together and spend time together as a family.We usually give each other presents, because even though that's not the real meaning of christmas,that's the way we were raised,and everybody likes presents.Also on the 24th we have a big dinner,were all of our family and friends come to spend the night together.On the 25th we receive our presents from each other,and finally on the last day of the year,we have a big dinner with fireworks and everything else where again,all of our family and friends get together.So....that's it that is how i celebrate Christmas.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Write about your favorite and least favorite teachers. Why do you like them or dislike them? What can they do to be better teachers in your eyes?

My favorite teachers are Ms.Sands,Ms.Troianiello,and you Mr.Martinez.My least favorite teacher is Mr. Cox.The reason i like my favorite teachers is because they teach their class, but they do it in a fun way,thus making the learning enviroment exellent and really comfortable as well.The reason that some teachers are in my least favorite is because their class is dull and boring and even though they teach well,is very hard to pay attention such a boring class.I think what teachers need to do to make class better, is to encourage us to work,without overwhelming us with too much homework,and to try to make the class fun and enjoyable.

Monday, October 15, 2007


Write about your best friends. Who are they? Why do you like them? What do you do together for fun?

My best friends go way back to my childhood,most of them were raised with me and we all lived closely.I have a lot friends ,but my best friends are:Armando,Luis,Luisito,Ronny,Richie,Eliomar,Josian,and Leonardo.When we are together we always have a blast,we could be in the most boring situation and still they would find out a way to have fun.What i like about them is that they are all really funny,loyal and trustworthy.They have always been there for me and everytime i see them they welcome me with a friendly smile.Mostly,what we do for fun is go to parties,play basketball,go to the river,go to the beach, and chill at the park.But whatever happens all i know is that i can always count on my best friends.

Friday, October 12, 2007


Write about a time when you were brave. Describe the situation, do you believe that the experience made you a stronger person?

I believe a time that i was brave was when a group of people tried to beat up one of my best friends.The moment i saw this i just grabed a big rock and threw it at them,they saw me and then went after me,luckily a friend of mine who's really big was walking by and when he saw their intentions he just ran and started hitting them and when they saw they were overpowered by my friend they just ran away.I beleive that this situation made me a stronger person because i helped somebody else and even though i might have gotten beaten i standed up for myself.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Write about a time when you were dishonest. Describe the situation, do you regret being dishonest?

A time when i was dishonest was when i cheated on my girlfriend but i hid it from her.She was suspecting it but everytime that she asked i just kept saying no and no.she later caught me and it was just horrible.I do regret being dishonest and lying to her,because i hurted her feelings,and in the end,my feelings too.After that experience i think i am never going to cheat or be dishonest again, because it just felt horrible and when people know that you are a dishonest person they lose their trust on you,because they are already expecting you to lie or they don't consider you a trustworthy person.Also, being dishonest won't get you far in life because if people know about your dishonest actions they won't hire you and you will always be marked for life.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Is there a value in celebrating certain individuals as heroes? Plan and write a blog in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

Yes,i do believe that there is a value in celebrating heroes or giving recognition to the people that deserve it,yes we are all flesh and blood but some people do courageous acts that makes them deserve the name "hero".To some people the word hero means to them superman,spider-man,ect..But the truth is that a hero could be a normal person just like you and me.Some examples of heroes are fire fighters,police man,and simply people who did heroic acts.To be a hero we don't need to have super powers,just do what is right and try to help people everytime that we can.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Describe the last vacation or holiday you took. what made it special? How long ago did it occur? Does having a fun necessarily have to involve a certain place or certain people? Hypothetically speaking, which would you rather take, a three day holiday spent at home, but with your favorite people to spend with your favorite people in the world, or three days anywhere you choose in the world (all expenses paid), but with no one you really know well.

The last vacation i took was a trip back home to dominican republic,this trip was great because i hadn't seen my family since i got here and this gave me a chance to see them,i also got to see my old friends and everybody i care about.This vacation was the summer that just passed.In the situation given i think i would choose to spend 3 days in home with my favorite people,this people would always find a way to make things fun and this are people that i really care about.I also liked the other choice because it gives me the chance to get to know some people better,but i still rather spend time with my family,girlfriend and friends.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


What is your favorite form of creative expression? If I were to ask you to pick one art that you could best express yourself through, which would it be? Of all the arts, which do you enjoy the most to view or listen to and which do you enjoy most to participate in. Are they the same?

My favorite form of creative expression is music because it's always expressing a thought or a feeling.Again,one art that i could express myself through would be music or paintings.Of all types of arts the one that i enjoy the most is music,particullary rock.I would really like to participate in an art class to just let go of my feelings through panting.Music and paintings are both forms of arts and even though they are used as a form of expression they are not the same.Art appeals more to the vision and the way your brain reacts when it sees the painting,meanwhile,music appeals more to the ears and lets us use our imagination to picture what's happening in the story of the music.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


If you could go back in time and fix three mistakes, what would they be? What would you do differently? Do you believe that fixing these mistakes would change your life today? Describe how. Do you think you would make these mistakes again later on in life?

Well, i made a lot of mistakes in my life but the ones that i would like to change are:not coming here,when i heard my mom was getting married i was really supportive but now i see i should've opposed to it so that maybe we could've stayed back in my country cause i think that everyone was better overthere.

Another mistake that i really regret is that there was a girl who liked me but i always turned her down,but as the time passed she started growing up and being more mature and i started liking her more and more but by the time i told her how i felt about her she just told me that i waited too long and it was already too late for me.It just feels horrible knowing that someone who doesn't deserves it is with the love of your life,but it feels worse knowing that you had a chance with her and you wasted it.

Another big mistake was to let a girl come in between a true friendship.If i could go back in time i wouldn't let anyone come between me and my best friend.

I think changing this mistakes would make my life significantly happier.I really don't think that i would make these mistakes again because whenever i make a mistake i try to learn from them and not repeating them.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Think about the way people look at you for a moment. List 10 qualities that you believe people perceive in you. Describe in a sentence why you think this is so. Are you happy with the way people think about you?

People look at me differently in here,maybe it's because i don't speak english as well i speak spanish so i can't express myself as i would like to sometimes.I don't really think i am this way but these are the the qualities that people perceive in me:

1-Funny,i make a lot of people laugh.
2-Quiet,when i don't know people i'm usually very quiet.
3-Trustworthy,i don't betray people's trust and i never will.
4-Kind,i try to be nice to everybody even those i don't like.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


turned in on paper


List ten things that you feel you could change in your life to become a better and more efficient person. Describe in a sentence why you chose each one. Think about ten things about you that you could change that would help you achieve your goals.

To me some things that would help me become a better person are:

1 Be more honest.Honesty is one of the basis of trust and i think if i'm honest and say what i think then i'm going to be a better person (even if truth hurts some times)
2Be nice to everybody.I should treat people well if i want to be treated the same way.
3Be more respectful.Respect to other people brings peace.
4Don't pretend what i'm not.Nobody likes a hipocrite so i'll just be myself.
5Be more serious.I like to relax and take it easy but sometimes we need to get serious if we want to achieve something in life.
6Try to be as helpful as i can.i'll try to help with everything i can.
7Love my family more.They are the ones that will always be there for me.
8Try to push negative things away.I don't need anymore problems.
9Try to think positive>always look at the bright side of things.
10Be myself.if i'm to change always do it in positive way.

Monday, September 10, 2007


As we approach the halfway point in the first 9 weeks, which do you feel is the most demanding of all your classes? Are you finding it difficult to find your footing in school this year? Are you working particularly hard in any one area? How do you feel about the pace of this class so far? Is it meeting your expectations? Do you find it difficult?

As i've seen so far this is a demanding but cool class,but my most difficult class is chemistry honors.Because i came 1 week late to school it has been kind of difficult to start in the right direction but i'm catching up and my grades are improving.The areas where i need to work and catch up the most are this class and chemistry but i'm going to study hard and do all my homework so i can do well in both classes.

To me the pace that we are moving in this class is exelent and we are moving fast but without overwhelming us.This class meets my expectations and i like it because it's challenging but it's not excesively difficult.I really don't find this class difficult i just think it's a great class that sometimes just has to much homework.

Friday, September 7, 2007


Describe in detail your biggest fear. Do you believe it is something that you can overcome? If so, can you do do by yourself or do you need help? When do you believe that you first acquired this fear? Do you believe that it is a rational or irrational fear? Do you think that it is a common fear or is it something particular to you? Do you parents know about it?

To me my biggest fear is stop being myself and changing who i am.It is something that sometimes happens, some days i just say and do things that i wouldn't normally do, and sometimes it ends up hurting others.For example i'm usually i quiet guy unless i know the people that surrounds me but i sometimes turn into a clown that ends up hurting others.I belive that this is something that i can overcome by just trying to be more subtle and focus on being who i am.I really don't think i need help to change this cause the fault is my own and i'm the one that should have to deal with it.I first aquired this fear when i saw that i was pushing my friends, my girlfriend and my family away from me.I don't really think that there are a lot of people that struggle with the same fear i do.I think that it is a rational fear cause i don't know too many people that like to pretend what they are not or at least in a negative way.My parents don't know anything about it cause to be honest i don't really trust them(i do trust my dad but he lives far away)and i really don't think that they can solve anything only me,and i am going to overcome my fear i'm going to stop being what i'm not and from now on i'm going to be myself.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


What do you believe is the most important right you have as an American? If you had to choose one right as being the most important to YOU, which would it be? Why is this the case? What would things be like if this right didn’t exist?

To me the most important right we have as americans is the freedom that this country offers, this includes liberty of speech,and the freedom to do whatever we want as long as it doesn't hurt others.this right (among other things) is the reason why so many people inmigrate to america.As i said before if i had to choose one right as the most important to me it would be freedom.The reason why i choose this right it's because i love the liberty of speech that only this country can offer.

The feeling of knowing that you can say what you want as long as it's not a threat is just great.Sometimes i imagine how a world without freedom would be so i think about things were about 100 years ago.I think that a world without liberty is just wrong and very negative consequenses like wars an fights.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


To me being an adult is about taking more responsability in life.Being a grown up is about thinking before making a desicion and becoming more mature,by becoming more mature i mean that we got to realize that life is not always playing and having a good time but that we got to work hard in life to get the things we want.To me being an adult is more an state of mind rather age,of course if you are 45 years old people are going to treat you like an adult,but i know elderly people that still behave like a child.

To me you become an adult when you start living on your own and realize how hard life really is,so to me the characteristics an adult should have(even though some of them don't)are to be responsible,honest,be able to realize the consequence of their actions before making them.

Friday, August 31, 2007


What do you feel is the most important thing in life? What makes life meaningful? Does living a meaningful life necessarily mean being financially successful? Does not having a lot of money make you a failure as a person?

To me the most important thing in life is to be happy.I think that as long as you are happy with yourself and the people that sorrounds, you will have a meaningful and joyful life.I don't think that money can buy happiness or that if you have more money your life is more meaningful or more important than that of of a person that doesn't have any money.Not having any money doesn't make anybody a failure and actually,i know some poor people that are way happier than any rich people that i've ever met.To me life is just having a good time but without doing stuff that can hurt ourselves or other people.I come from a third world country and as a matter of fact i was kind of poor, but the thing is that now that my family is wealthier and i live here,i realized that my life was so much better when i was poor so i guess you don't know what you got until its gone.In conclusion life is what you make of it and if you have a positive attitude and never give up your life surely will be meaningful,successful and happy.