Friday, December 14, 2007


Woman chained to engine block.
A woman chained to an engine block scratches 'Call 911' on her window to call for help.

I think that there are a lot of creeps and weird people in this world.I can't believe that someone would just grab a woman, and chain her into a motor engine.Maybe he had some kind of reason for doing it, but i still think that that guy is psychopath and possibly a killer, because he left her there hoping that she would die from starvation or something.

I think that this world is going out of control, and is growing worse each day that passes by.On the other hand, this report also shows the perseverance that a human being can have in order to save his/her life.If she would have given up, she would probably be dead right now.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Bombs kill dozens in Iraq
At least two car bombs killed and wounded dozens of people today in the largely Shiite southeastern Iraqi city of Amara, Iraq's Interior Ministry has said. The final breakdown of dead and wounded is not yet known, but Al-Iraqia State TV is reporting that at least 30 people were killed.

I think that it is just plain horrible all the hate that is going on the world today.It is really bad that the people from iraq are just destroying themselves and causing damage to their town.I think that its sad and idiotic, that they are destroying their own people, and that they are killing innocent people.I don't really see the point in hurting someone that doesn't have the fault or the blame for something that is happening to you.

What really makes me angry is that all of these terrorists are just killing people like if that is going to solve any problem, they need to face the truth and realize that this is not going to take them anywhere exept for jail or a graveyard.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Bombs explode in Algerian capital
Two bombs hit the Algerian capital of Algiers today killing 47 people, state-run television network ENTV reported. The country's civil protection agency told The Associated Press that one attack near the Supreme Court killed 30 people and another blast near the offices of a United Nations refugee agency killed 15 people.

These news show that even though we are "fighting" terrorism it still exists and its striking back.I just feel bad for all the innocent lives that are being destroyed without a reason and all the hate and killing that is going in the world today.These terrorists were actually aiming for the united nations building and the goverment building.The article said that the other attack apparently targeted the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees in the neighborhood of Hydra, UNHCR chief spokesman Ron Redmond told CNN.

So far no group has admitted responsibility for Tuesday's blasts.The bombings are reported to have caused a lot of damage, and now the goverment is preparing to defend agaisnt such attacks and agaisnt other terrorist groups that might strike again or retaliate.

Monday, December 10, 2007


A city councilwoman in Dacono, Colo., has resigned from her post after the mayor of the town said a joke she posted to a community Web log was racist and asked her to remove it from the Web site, MyFoxColorado reported Friday.

The only thing left to say is that she is an idiot, to give up her job because she didn't wanted to remove an offensive joke from her web site.On the other hand the joke was pretty cool, but i can understand why some people got mad.The joke on itself is really offensive, and makes fun of blacks,mexicans,disabled people,gays,poor people,ect.Personally i do think that the joke is offensive and the lady should have just removed the joke and apologize to everybody that it offended.

I still can't believe how stuborn some people are, and even knowing that they are not right, still refuse to give up on something that is wrong, and politically incorrect.If i was in the same situation i would have just apologized, remove the joke, and get it over with.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Finish this sentence: I was most disappointed when... describe in detail a time when you were most disappointed. What happened? What caused the events?

I was most disappointed neighborhood's basketball team made it ito the finals, but then lost....we tried so hard to raise money for them so we could have a shot at winning, and doing something favorable for the place where we live, but in the end it as all in vain...the thing that hurts the most is that we lost by 2 points and it was all in the last 10 seconds.Maybe we got too overconfident and thought we had the victory in our hands,and maybe that is why we lost.The good thing is that next year we totally beated them.