Wednesday, September 26, 2007


What is your favorite form of creative expression? If I were to ask you to pick one art that you could best express yourself through, which would it be? Of all the arts, which do you enjoy the most to view or listen to and which do you enjoy most to participate in. Are they the same?

My favorite form of creative expression is music because it's always expressing a thought or a feeling.Again,one art that i could express myself through would be music or paintings.Of all types of arts the one that i enjoy the most is music,particullary rock.I would really like to participate in an art class to just let go of my feelings through panting.Music and paintings are both forms of arts and even though they are used as a form of expression they are not the same.Art appeals more to the vision and the way your brain reacts when it sees the painting,meanwhile,music appeals more to the ears and lets us use our imagination to picture what's happening in the story of the music.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


If you could go back in time and fix three mistakes, what would they be? What would you do differently? Do you believe that fixing these mistakes would change your life today? Describe how. Do you think you would make these mistakes again later on in life?

Well, i made a lot of mistakes in my life but the ones that i would like to change are:not coming here,when i heard my mom was getting married i was really supportive but now i see i should've opposed to it so that maybe we could've stayed back in my country cause i think that everyone was better overthere.

Another mistake that i really regret is that there was a girl who liked me but i always turned her down,but as the time passed she started growing up and being more mature and i started liking her more and more but by the time i told her how i felt about her she just told me that i waited too long and it was already too late for me.It just feels horrible knowing that someone who doesn't deserves it is with the love of your life,but it feels worse knowing that you had a chance with her and you wasted it.

Another big mistake was to let a girl come in between a true friendship.If i could go back in time i wouldn't let anyone come between me and my best friend.

I think changing this mistakes would make my life significantly happier.I really don't think that i would make these mistakes again because whenever i make a mistake i try to learn from them and not repeating them.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Think about the way people look at you for a moment. List 10 qualities that you believe people perceive in you. Describe in a sentence why you think this is so. Are you happy with the way people think about you?

People look at me differently in here,maybe it's because i don't speak english as well i speak spanish so i can't express myself as i would like to sometimes.I don't really think i am this way but these are the the qualities that people perceive in me:

1-Funny,i make a lot of people laugh.
2-Quiet,when i don't know people i'm usually very quiet.
3-Trustworthy,i don't betray people's trust and i never will.
4-Kind,i try to be nice to everybody even those i don't like.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


turned in on paper


List ten things that you feel you could change in your life to become a better and more efficient person. Describe in a sentence why you chose each one. Think about ten things about you that you could change that would help you achieve your goals.

To me some things that would help me become a better person are:

1 Be more honest.Honesty is one of the basis of trust and i think if i'm honest and say what i think then i'm going to be a better person (even if truth hurts some times)
2Be nice to everybody.I should treat people well if i want to be treated the same way.
3Be more respectful.Respect to other people brings peace.
4Don't pretend what i'm not.Nobody likes a hipocrite so i'll just be myself.
5Be more serious.I like to relax and take it easy but sometimes we need to get serious if we want to achieve something in life.
6Try to be as helpful as i can.i'll try to help with everything i can.
7Love my family more.They are the ones that will always be there for me.
8Try to push negative things away.I don't need anymore problems.
9Try to think positive>always look at the bright side of things.
10Be myself.if i'm to change always do it in positive way.

Monday, September 10, 2007


As we approach the halfway point in the first 9 weeks, which do you feel is the most demanding of all your classes? Are you finding it difficult to find your footing in school this year? Are you working particularly hard in any one area? How do you feel about the pace of this class so far? Is it meeting your expectations? Do you find it difficult?

As i've seen so far this is a demanding but cool class,but my most difficult class is chemistry honors.Because i came 1 week late to school it has been kind of difficult to start in the right direction but i'm catching up and my grades are improving.The areas where i need to work and catch up the most are this class and chemistry but i'm going to study hard and do all my homework so i can do well in both classes.

To me the pace that we are moving in this class is exelent and we are moving fast but without overwhelming us.This class meets my expectations and i like it because it's challenging but it's not excesively difficult.I really don't find this class difficult i just think it's a great class that sometimes just has to much homework.

Friday, September 7, 2007


Describe in detail your biggest fear. Do you believe it is something that you can overcome? If so, can you do do by yourself or do you need help? When do you believe that you first acquired this fear? Do you believe that it is a rational or irrational fear? Do you think that it is a common fear or is it something particular to you? Do you parents know about it?

To me my biggest fear is stop being myself and changing who i am.It is something that sometimes happens, some days i just say and do things that i wouldn't normally do, and sometimes it ends up hurting others.For example i'm usually i quiet guy unless i know the people that surrounds me but i sometimes turn into a clown that ends up hurting others.I belive that this is something that i can overcome by just trying to be more subtle and focus on being who i am.I really don't think i need help to change this cause the fault is my own and i'm the one that should have to deal with it.I first aquired this fear when i saw that i was pushing my friends, my girlfriend and my family away from me.I don't really think that there are a lot of people that struggle with the same fear i do.I think that it is a rational fear cause i don't know too many people that like to pretend what they are not or at least in a negative way.My parents don't know anything about it cause to be honest i don't really trust them(i do trust my dad but he lives far away)and i really don't think that they can solve anything only me,and i am going to overcome my fear i'm going to stop being what i'm not and from now on i'm going to be myself.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


What do you believe is the most important right you have as an American? If you had to choose one right as being the most important to YOU, which would it be? Why is this the case? What would things be like if this right didn’t exist?

To me the most important right we have as americans is the freedom that this country offers, this includes liberty of speech,and the freedom to do whatever we want as long as it doesn't hurt others.this right (among other things) is the reason why so many people inmigrate to america.As i said before if i had to choose one right as the most important to me it would be freedom.The reason why i choose this right it's because i love the liberty of speech that only this country can offer.

The feeling of knowing that you can say what you want as long as it's not a threat is just great.Sometimes i imagine how a world without freedom would be so i think about things were about 100 years ago.I think that a world without liberty is just wrong and very negative consequenses like wars an fights.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


To me being an adult is about taking more responsability in life.Being a grown up is about thinking before making a desicion and becoming more mature,by becoming more mature i mean that we got to realize that life is not always playing and having a good time but that we got to work hard in life to get the things we want.To me being an adult is more an state of mind rather age,of course if you are 45 years old people are going to treat you like an adult,but i know elderly people that still behave like a child.

To me you become an adult when you start living on your own and realize how hard life really is,so to me the characteristics an adult should have(even though some of them don't)are to be responsible,honest,be able to realize the consequence of their actions before making them.